Sometimes, hiring a candidate can seem like rocket science before the era of Google. You hire an experienced sales manager only for you to realize that the manager cannot handle the changes in market dynamics. You hire a candidate who ...
Maybe it is time we did a recap of what we know when it comes to CV writing? Below are random tips that I think can help your CV stand out you can get that desired job or an interview ...
“Have a better CV”. “Change the titles”. “Make it shorter”. “Use an attractive font”. These are common phrases I use in my day to day work as a Recruiter after speaking with a candidate who has great potential but sometimes, ...
How do you know it is time to promote an employee? Identifying internal candidates who should be promoted is not a walk in the park. Apart from using tools such as performance appraisals and reviews, it is also important to ...
The New Year is beckoning even as the lights go up in preparation for the Christmas festivities. Making New Year’s resolutions is a tradition that dates back to the Babylonians about 4000 years ago. During a ceremony known as Akitu which coincided ...
The information age has resulted in the bombardment of consumers with too much information. As a result of this, it has been reported that attention spans are increasingly becoming shorter. Most of us have lost the art of reading. Instead, ...
Every organization takes pride in having an employee who is passionate, disciplined, industrious and keen on going the extra mile. Most organizations would want to keep such an employee for life because their performance at work is guaranteed. It often ...
It is a well-documented and researched fact that women face certain forms of discrimination at the workplace because of their gender. However, when it comes to men, the research is not only scarce but there is little talk about discrimination ...
Ann* did not understand what her boss meant when she was warned of “wavering” commitment during the last trimester of her pregnancy. She had been an award-winning salesperson for the five years she had worked for the organization. That month ...
“Do you have a question for us?” This is a common phrase from interviewers during interviews and the expectation is that the candidates will have prepared several questions for them. Asking questions in an interview is an indication that you did your ...