Maybe it is time we did a recap of what we know when it comes to CV writing? Below are random tips that I think can help your CV stand out you can get that desired job or an interview invitation at the very least. Your name and contact details should obviously be at the top of your resume. There is no need to include your home address really. Leave out your personal information such as date of birth, religion, marital status etc. (There is a reason we have employment laws against discrimination in regards to age, race, religion and the like.) When it comes to Email address, try keep things professional and avoid the ‘hotprettydude@youremail’ et al. Ideally use your first and last name. Be careful on the long list of carefully selected key words used to describe yourself. Some get read but can work against you if you do not know for example how to explain “your strategic skills” in an interview and in most instances they rarely get read. Volunteer work, involvement in clubs/societies and in the community; definitely include that. Awards and scholarships – brag all you can. A resume is intended to sell you. Experiment with a unique font other than the usual New Times Roman. On the experience part, write more about what you did achieve as opposed to what you do/did. And lastly for today, make it short and sweet. Try 2-3 pages tops and if you are new in a career, one page is actually fine. Bonus tip: Tuck away your references till when asked about them as you want to be aware when they are being contacted and by whom.    PS, Got more questions? Hit my  Twitter and our  Facebook so we talk

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